🚘 车辆信息 凯迪拉克XT4 📅使用情况 5月8日。3006km 💬 故障描述 通用汽车旗下豪华品牌凯迪拉克XT4车辆质量堪忧。空调下水管安装错位,新车直接变泡水车。 5月份买的车不舍得开空调,最近气温有点高不开空调受不了,一开空调...查看全文
Hello! This is Chan from Ningbo, China.Firstly I need to say I'm a huge fan of Cadillac but one thing bothering me a lot recently. I bought a Cadillac car Model XT4 on May 8th, 2021. Later, we find the car is smelling all the time especially when we turned on the air conditioner for a while.With time going by, the smell of car becomes more and more strong which made me sick. Then we went back to 4S store where we bought the car and tried to find out the reason why that happened. We got the answer: The installation errors and misalignment of sewer pipe in air conditioning system leads to air conditioner leak.All the mats were wet. As an worker of auto maintenance industry, I feel furious about the quality control.What drives me crazy most is the so-called solution and attitude from 4S service What I need: 1. Fix the leak issue 2. Ask for technical department analyzing the cause of the problem and provide methods to avoid similar issue happen again. 3. Extend insurance service and compensation which caused by this issue What 4S store provided: Just replace a pipe.. and nothing more. Why should I accept a brand-new car with this issue? Ok I can accept it but why I should afford the lost and bad result caused this mistake? I feel REALLY disappointed about the service from this 4S store. This is the second Cadillac car I owned.I always say something good about this car to my friends and family to win their trust on Cadillac but what am I got??? A cold face with irresponsible attitude. What I want to say is that now that the problem has happened, we have to face it. It's time to find reasonable ways to prevent the recurrence of such problems and improve vehicle quality and customer satisfaction. Instead of repeatedly evade the crucial point, do not accept user feedback, I think this is also a big taboo in the car industry. Looking forward to your quick reply. Best Regards Cadillac XT4 users