这才是搬家露营,我们把整套厨房都搬到了营地,综合测试各炉子的实用性。This is moving camping. We moved the whole kitchen to the camp to comprehensively test...查看全文
龙坞茶村中隐藏着一个小众营地,布景超美,适合拍照。There is a small camp hidden in Longwu Tea Village. The scenery is super beautiful and suitable...查看全文
桥桥营地超刺激的娱乐设施,越野摩托!在马场里跑起来真的是上演了速度与惊险,坐在后座的我好害怕。Super exciting entertainment facilities at Bridge Bridge Camp, off-road m...查看全文
适合越野自驾露营的富阳九仰坪,视野绝佳,可以看云海。Fuyang Jiuyangping, suitable for off-road self-driving camping, has a great view and can see t...查看全文
一直没能举行的露营线下派对终于实现了,果然聚在一起就是吃吃吃!The camping offline party that has not been held has finally come true. Sure enough, gett...查看全文
富阳湖源溪沿线好地方太多了,这次打卡的是位于大源坪的营帐部落,开车直达,视野不错。There are too many good places along the Fuyang Lake Yuanxi. This time I checke...查看全文
在丽水找到一片河滩营地,冬季的河床神似内蒙古大草原。石头垒起土灶,炖一锅香菇青菜粉,吃着也觉得真香。A river beach camp was found in Lishui. The riverbed in winter resembl...查看全文
老菜私藏的千岛湖小岛露营地,适合汽车露营,三面环湖的半岛景色太美。The Thousand Island Lake Island Campground, which is privately owned by Laocai, is suit...查看全文
临安又一越野露营地,风景超开阔,可惜垃圾遍地!Another off-road camping site in Lin'an, the scenery is super open, but it's a pity that there ar...查看全文
又升级了新锅具,这次的午餐不泡泡面了,用锅蒸便当!New pots have been upgraded, this time the noodles are no longer soaked, and the pot is used to...查看全文
湖州又一溪畔营地,可以汽车露营,场地超大有草坪也有杉树林,秋日露营的绝佳场所。Another creek camp in Huzhou, you can camp by car, the site is very large, there ...查看全文
出来露营不就为了吃吃喝喝嘛,今天阿九和老菜入了几款提升伙食的新装备,我们终于可以泡面加肉了,赞。Why not come out to camp for food and drink? Today, Ajiu and Laocai have...查看全文
杭州周边汽车露营的营地,我们肯定是首推余杭小古城,这里有水有电,车子开到帐篷边,太方便了。For car camping camps around Hangzhou, we must be the first to recommend th...查看全文
假期避开人流找到一片野地露营,开车自驾可以直达的山顶露营地,还可以去安吉浙北大峡谷徒步。During the holiday, avoid the flow of people and find a field camping, a mou...查看全文
非常适合秋日露营的地点安吉松林湖,松树林中面朝湖水。Anji Pine Forest Lake is a very suitable place for camping in autumn. The pine forest faces th...查看全文
没有车没有装备也能享受露营乐趣,安吉松林湖的肆时营地,坐高铁就能到拎包入住太舒适。You can enjoy camping without a car or equipment. The Sishi campsite of Songlin...查看全文
杭州最适合汽车露营的营地余杭小古城苕溪营地,车程近,设施全。The most suitable campsite for car camping in Hangzhou is Tiaoxi Campsite, a small ancient...查看全文
越野露营怎么能少了车顶帐篷呢?我们给坦克300加装了车顶帐篷和侧边帐,使用方便还有一定的防水功能,雨天也不怕。How can off-road camping without a roof tent? We have added a roo...查看全文
丽水大山里的五星房车营地,环境清幽溪水清澈,设施一应俱全,除了离大都市太远实在是太完美了。The five-star RV campsite in the mountains of Lishui has a quiet environmen...查看全文
舟山本岛新开发的海边营地,场地超大能免费停放140辆车,适合烧烤露营团建,还能远眺普陀岛。The newly-developed seaside camp on the main island of Zhoushan, the site i...查看全文
下雨天还找了一片野地露营,暴雨中的侧边帐能撑得住吗?I also found a field for camping on a rainy day. Can the side tents in the torrential rain be ...查看全文
湖州市中心的营地实在是太赞了,超大的草坪、周边配套设施完善还有儿童游乐设施,各自小动物,最重要的是免费!The campsite in the center of Huzhou is really amazing, with large l...查看全文